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Racing Lane Line 82ft / 25m length  x 4.73 in /12cm diameter  

Price (4) pieces: $445.00 USD

Price (6) pieces: $412.00 USD

Price (8) pieces: $396.00 USD

(Minimum order 4 pieces)



Racing Lane Line 164ft / 50m length  x 4.73 in /12cm diameter

Price (4) pieces: $771.00 USD

Price (6) pieces: $739.00 USD

Price (8) pieces: $722.00 USD

(Minimum order 4 pieces)


Standard colors – Red, White, Blue, Yelow, Green.

The continuous flow racing lane design controls water turbulence by allowing wave energy to spread along the lane, creating the optimal environment for the fastest swim times.

Competitor rails come fully assembled.


Contact us to request a quote.



Swimming lane 164ft / 50m length  x 4.73 in /12cm diameter


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